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Dear Friend,

I am exicted to welcome you to the Hopewell family of schools. This is made possible by the generous donation and personal interest from a benefactor.

Hopewell Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to help the underprivileged and meritorious students across the state of Kerala by providing them financial assistance. The stipend amounts for the current year are Rs. 3000 (IV std), Rs. 4000 (VII std), Rs. 5000 (X std) and Rs. 6000 (XII std).

Hopewell has the following guidelines for identifying recipients of stipends.

+ Student has completed 4th, 7th, 10th or 12th standard and attending 5th, 8th, 11th or 1st year of college, respectively.

+ Student is in the top 10% of his class.

+ Student is financially underprivileged.

+ The school is aided or government school.

+ Student is a consensus candidate based on the school committee consisting of class teacher(s) and headmaster.

Please follow the above guidelines to identify the most deserving candidate by completing the attached forms. Nominate 3 (minimum) or 4 (maximum) students using one form per student. Mail the completed application to the address on this letterhead. If the student is selected as a stipend recipient, a rupee draft will be sent to the guardian of the student or to the nominee in the application. In case a Hopewell volunteer wishes to contact the stipend recipients (“Hopewell scholars”) in the future, please make such arrangements. If you have any questions, please contact us at hopewellfoundation@yahoo.com or at the address above.


Ben Mathew
(President, Hopewell Foundation)


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